News from Joanna and Lesley

Today we are blessed with updates from Joanna and Lesley:

With Andrew away on his ship, I find myself leading a much more unstructured life. Andrew is the cook of the household and when working from home my day was punctuated by regular mealtimes, favourite TV programmes we like to watch together and reasonable bedtimes. With Andrew away all that goes to pot! So last night I dug out my camera and found myself googling the best manual settings to photograph the moon at about one o’clock on the morning. We’ve had a magnificent pink moon supermoon over the past couple of nights. And here’s the result!

Best wishes to Andrew as he rejoins Ocean Reliance.  
I'm enjoying reading all the blogs and having a laugh too.

Yesterday I went for a bike ride by the Marina and the backroads of Southern Town Park. I checked out the Flower Garden. I then met Barbara coming in the opposite direction.  We stopped and had a nice 'distance chat'. She said she had met Carolyn and Kevin earlier.

I went on a 7.30-8.30am shop to Waitrose today and felt very emotional while queuing up at a safe distance from everyone - surreal times!

I've been looking at live webcams on my laptop which I've found fascinating - the site is if anyone is interested. The cameras cover wildlife sites of African reserves, birds nests, bee hives, a gorilla forest etc. and also domestic animals at home. I'm also logging in to the Salisbury Cathedral peregrines.

Wishing you all well.


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