Southern Town Park - Saturday 16th March 2024

Blog by Eleanor.  Photos by Margaret and Eleanor

Twelve Green Gymmers assembled for our Spring session at Southern Town Park, Abingdon.  Our main task was to work on our wild flower patch at the southernmost end of this little known area of Abingdon. There was also litter to clear and quite a lot of branches blown down by the Winter storms. 

The day was mild and sunny as we made our way across the very soggy football pitches, where Abingdon Youth Football club were playing on the least wet pitch. Having made our encampment by the picnic bench, Carolyn and Lesley kindly volunteered to do litter picking, others to clear fallen branches, while the rest of us set off for the wildflower patch. We were glad to see that the notice painted by Ursula a few years earlier was still standing.

The first task was to dig up as much grass and as many nettles as possible, while trying not to disturb the other emerging plants. One advantage of the recent wet weather was that the ground was very soft, so they came up easily. We worked hard at this and Graham was standing by to transport them to a heap under the trees. We all met up again for tea break, where some of us got the chance to sit at a proper table, with biscuits safe from passing dogs.

There was a bit more nettle and grass weeding to do, then it was time to sow the seeds. We had cornflower, corn chamomile, poppy and vetch (annual) and toadflax, meadow cranesbill and vipers bugloss (perennial). I had also brought some ox eye daisy plants from my own wildflower garden and we planted these. There was a final bit of fallen wood clearing from around the area to do, then it was time to pack up and head back to the car park

Come and take a look at our wildflower patch in June, July and August, when it should be at its best and a great source of nectar for bees and other pollinators. 

Work on the wild flower patch begins

Work continues

Tea break

Work finished. If you look hard, you can just see the white labels.


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