Riding for the Disabled, Southmoor - Saturday 2nd March 2024

Blog by Eleanor, photos by Helen and Sally.

Sixteen Green Gymmers assembled for the session at Riding for the Disabled, which is a site we all enjoy returning to. Last time we cleared a ditch to enable the stream to flow freely and drain away water which might otherwise flood the paddocks. This time our task was to plant a hawthorn hedge along a boundary fence, and March was the last opportunity for planting before next Autumn.

Joyce, who is in charge at RDA, met us in the recently resurfaced car park with 300 hawthorn whips plus tree guards and canes. We made our way over to the boundary fence where we were to plant the hawthorn on the road side. There were daffodils in full bloom along the grass verge and we wanted to avoid damaging these. 

Digging holes along the older fence on the right hand side of the gate was relatively simple and several people set to work on the planting. The side with the new fencing proved more of a challenge as the ground was very uneven and covered with trailing, matted ivy and brambles so we started clearing these. Underneath, however, we uncovered a lot of buried rubble, a tangle of wire, a trail of barbed wire and something that looked like a car tyre but proved to be much longer and had probably belonged to a bulldozer. Kevin worked hard on this and eventually pulled it triumphantly from the ground.

By now it was time for our tea break and we made our way to the little room above the arena, where Joyce provided us with a delicious lemon drizzle cake. Then it was back to work. The ground by the new fence was fairly clear now, so we were able to begin planting. Adrian had an idea for using the rubble we had dug up. He had noticed that the base of one side of the bridge over the stream had been damaged by the heavy rainfall so he and Kevin set off to repair it using the rubble. Unfortunately, there was nobody to take a photo of their handiwork.

By 12.30 all 300 hawthorn whips had been planted and the threatened rain had held off. We look forward to seeing the hedge growing and flourishing on future visits. 

Preparing to work

Beginning to plant

Making progress

The more difficult area

Pulling out the wire

Kevin triumphant with tyre track

Tea break

Jan and Lesley with Joyce

Rosie and Helen plugging a gap

Rosie planting another hawthorn whip

Carolyn with tree guard at the ready

Happy workers

Planting the more challenging side

Graham with sticks and guards

Close up of hawthorn whip

The completed task

Preparing to depart


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