Blog by Eleanor, photos by Kevin, Adrian and Joan
This Saturday was our second visit to Lashford Lane Nature Reserve. It was, fortunately, milder than our previous, frosty, visit in early December, though rain was threatening. Having squeezed into the tiny car park, Adrian outlined the tasks to us. A lot of work had been done felling ash trees, which had suffered from ash die back and he warned us to keep clear of certain trees which were threatening to fall. We then set off on our long trek to the fen site where we were going to be working.
Our task was to clear a runnel of overhanging trees, brambles and other vegetation, which were blocking out the light and impeding the flow, and to scythe the reeds along the margin of the runnel. The scythers set to work on the reeds and the rest of us with sawing and lopping. Some of the branches were quite big and sawing them down was quite a challenge. We also had to be careful where we put our feet, since we were working on a fen and the water was up to wellie height in parts.
We gathered for tea break in a drier area off the fen. Some light rain began to fall, though it was still quite sunny, but the shower didn't last long. Jim pointed out an attractive fungus growing just on the other side of the barbed wire fence. It was almost certainly a scarlet elf cup (Sarcoscypha coccinea). Joan took a photo of it, which you can see below.
We got back to work, continuing with our task, but had to leave enough time to transport all the branches and vegetation to the other side of the runnel and add it to the large collection already there. By the end of the session the area was much clearer and we could see the water flowing. It was time to gather up our tools and begin the long trek back to the car park.
Various sawyers - Carolyn, Roger, Susan and Eleanor
Jim scything
Joan and Dieuwke among the reeds
Rosie and Roger among the reeds
Work progresses on the runnel
Scarlet elf cup (Sarcoscypha coccinea) |
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