Ock Valley Walk, Town End, 27th April 2019

Ten of us turned up this morning at the town end of the Ock River Path, a number of us being absent due to a choir event happening elsewhere. Today’s session here, led by Eleanor, was hot on the heels of our previous visit when we’d laid the path with woodchip. We made our way along it, admiring our handiwork, loaded up with tools, tarpaulin and tea things to set up base in the usual spot.

Eleanor gave us a variety of tasks: to cut back the overgrown vegetation around the young trees we’ve planted in recent years, thereby allowing them light and nutrients; to pull up goose grass and nettles, but leaving islands for wildlife; to clear up fallen branches and to pick up litter.

Some dog mess had been spotted on our way in and thankfully Carolyn had some spare poo bags in her pocket, after recently inheriting a dog from a neighbour. Once we’d got that cleared up we were ready to go!

It was a beautiful spring day, with fresh leaves on the trees and everything bright, verdant and lush. We set to work efficiently and by break time had already cut back round the many trees in our green gym arboretum. Meanwhile Eleanor picked up litter and Kevin went round the site with a bow saw to cut up any larger branches.

Before we knew it, break time was upon us. Whilst drinking tea we spotted a muntjac deer browsing in the undergrowth. A kingfisher was also seen along the river.

It was decided we’d done a good morning’s work, and with everything looking lovely we called time on the session and made our way back to the car park.

Photos by Andrew:
Eleanor gives instructions.

Graham sharpens his tool.

One of the silver birch trees we planted here some time ago.
Joanna slashing in the wild.

Andrew shamelessly posing.

Who lives in a home like this?

Eleanor mid litter pick.

A snakes-head fritillary wild flower from one of the patches we sowed previously.

Janet and Kevin on tea break duty.


Hello deer!

Break time banter.

The re-laid woodchip path from our last session here.

Session's end.


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