We have been in several ponds lately, notably those on
Boars Hill and in Sunningwell. On Saturday November the 3rd we
dipped our wellies for the first time in a new one, namely the village
pond in Cumnor.
This pond is right beside the road so we were able to
park by the roadside next to the pond. The benefit of this was that we
did not have to carry our tools any distance.
We had been asked by Lorraine if we would cut back
the reeds that covered about one third of the pond. Lorraine, ably assisted by
Gordon her husband, has been responsible for the maintenance of the pond for
some years but requested the services of the Abingdon Green Gym to undertake
some work on the reed-bed. We were asked to cut them back, not to remove them.
The area where we were working was deceptive in that
most of it was under about six to nine inches of water but there were some
patches where the depth was nearer four feet. These patches were not obvious
and some of us, even those wearing waders, suddenly found ourselves hip-deep.
The main area of the pond, away from the reeds, needed
the surface weeds to be cleared so Rosie and Gordon set sail in a small dinghy
in which they cruised the pond and, in spite of running aground at least once,
managed to complete the task and return safely to harbour.
The rest of us working with slashers, sickles, shears
and loppers, managed to produce large heaps of cut reeds on the banks of
the pond. To remove these, Gordon fetched his trailer onto which we stacked the
reeds, now in drag-bags. At first it seemed that Gordon would have to make two
trips but, just like Dr Who’s Tardis, the trailer proved to have far more
capacity than it appeared to have and, eventually, all the reeds were piled on
and Gordon drove off. We didn't ask where!
Rosie and Gordon setting sail. |
Not quite the Grand Union Canal! |
Kevin, Kate and James among the reeds. |
Lorraine and Robert surveying the scene. |
Teatime. |
Loading the Tardis. |
Tardis ready for launch. |
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