Southern Town Park, 14th January 2017

Our first outdoor session for 2017 saw us assemble at Southern Town Park, nineteen-strong!  We unloaded our tools and paraphernalia in the Lambrick Way car park amidst various football teams meeting for their Saturday morning fixures.

A transit across the sports field to the picnic/playground area followed, before session leader Eleanor briefed us on the morning's tasks.  The two main details were to clear brambles from the wooded areas and to conduct a thorough litter pick.  Thus we divided into roughly equal teams before getting down to it.

It was out first visit here for some considerable time, and both brambles and litter had accumulated in our absence.  It was an ideal time to cut back the vegetation - before spring when the birds begin to nest and to ensure that a few of the smaller trees could be liberated before being totally consumed and smothered.

The brambles and loose tree branches were cut using loppers and put into piles that were later transported to a much larger heap in an adjacent field.  As we worked our way through, we uncovered much litter in addition to that which was clearly visible around the main paths.  As usual at this location, some unusual items were found along with evidence of fly-tipping.  

The litter was sorted into recyclables and non-recyclables and eventally left at a collection point by Peep-o-Day lane at the far eastern end of the park.

Break time saw an even more impressive spread than usual, with fruit and oatcakes supplementing the luxury biscuit selections!  We were spoilt for choice.

After we had finished with our on our main assignments we finished up by sweeping the paths and left the site in a much improved condition.  The transformation was fairly impressive as might be expected with the efforts of such a large group!

Assembling at the Lambrick Way Car Park.

Kevin hammers in the Green Gym sign holder.

Eleanor briefs us on our tasks.

Bramble-bashing commences.

Some moss growing on a Silver Birch tree.

Kevin on pitch-forking detail.

Break time and half-time oranges.

Eleanor with a broken mug and other litter-picking finds!


An area of bramble clearance.

Barry and Kate H fill a drag-bag with brambles.

The large vegetation pile.

Back across the football pitches and home...

Some happy litter-pickers! (photo by Sally)
An interesting find by Kate M (photo by Sally)


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