Abbey Fishponds, 1st November 2014

Fourteen Green Gymmers assembled to help at the Abbey Fishponds site, including Victoria, a new recruit, who we hope will become a regular member of the team. Marjorie, the volunteer warden of the site was there with two helpers, plus Lorretta from the Earth Trust, which manages the site.

There were a number of tasks to be done, including cutting back trees from the edge of the reed bed, digging drainage channels and lining them with stones, cutting nettles and scrub back from a small area near the Radley Road entrance, which will be made into a wild flower garden, and litter picking. Colin as you see in the photo, was given the task of clearing grass from the steps leading from the bridge and flattening them down.

The weather was sunny and amazingly mild for the first of November. Bees were still busy among the water mint and we even saw a few red admiral butterflies, which could be a record for November. We enjoyed our tea break sitting on the sunny bank overlooking the stream and the reed bed and then it was back to work on the same tasks with the addition of some wild flower planting.

Enjoying refreshments in the November sunshine!

Colin working on the steps

Janet and Dieuwke cutting back scrub

Petra tackling a willow branch

Kevin collecting rubble for the drainage channels


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