Ock Valley Walk, Tesco End, 30th August 2014

Having been at the town end of the Ock Valley Walk on the previous Saturday, it was time for a session at the Tesco End.  As might be expected, there was plenty of litter to pick and an overwhelming amount of Himalayan Balsam to attempt to clear.

Early on, it was apparent that the Balsam growth was rather too much to deal with, but specific areas were targeted around the river banks, and we did the best that we could.  The majority of the group however, kept themselves busy litter-picking.  There was no shortage of waste in the vicinity, with the usual remains of impromptu summer parties to deal with i.e. many cans and bottles! A number of sacks were quickly filled with both recyclables and non-recyclables, although due to the heavy vegetation, it is likely that there was much more hidden within the undergrowth!  A session later in the year might be required for this.

With a good turn-out, a successful morning was spent here, with us leaving the path looking a lot cleaner and tidier than when we had arrived and as a bonus, the weather remained fine, in contrast to recent days!

Eleanor and Petra clear Himalayan Balsam


A nest in a tree beside the path

The half-time litter haul!


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