Abbey Fishponds, 6th September 2014

As usual there were several tasks to be tackled at this large site but fortunately there was a really good turn out of Green Gymmers, including new recruit Janet, who was there for the third time and Nathan with his support worker. Lorretta from Earth Trust was there with her strimmer and she set to work cutting the reed bed. Marjorie told us the other tasks, which included cutting back vegetation overhanging the stream and along the perimeter paths, making a woodchip path from the Hadland Road entrance to the bridge and litter picking. We selected our tools and split up to go to our chosen tasks. Fortunately, the weather was warm and sunny, which made the work much more enjoyable.

We stopped at 11 o'clock for our break, which was extra special as Sally had provided some cakes to celebrate James' return to leading a session after a few months off. Then it was back to work and by the end of the session the path was finished, the stream was much clearer, the cut reeds were piled up and several bags of litter had been collected. It is encouraging to see Green Gym sessions so well attended.

The woodchip pile covered in nettles

The woodchip path at the start of the session

Tea Break

Petra and Janet working in the stream

Barry and Enid making a path

James attacking the undergrowth

Marjorie's helpers raking reeds

Kate and Lesley try to cut some very high branches

The finished woodchip path


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