Blog and photos by Kevin
were 10 volunteers who attended the Ock Path session with one new recruit. Adrian
was leading and once we had decamped the equipment in our usual spot by the stream, he explained the jobs to be done, which were wood chip
laying on the muddy sections of the track that leads off the main path (a
regular job), piling up branches into habitat piles, clearing the ivy off the
large footbridge and litter picking.
wood chip laying required 3 volunteers, one shovelling the chips into the
barrow, one wheeling the barrow to the muddy patches and one to rake and spread
the chips over the patches. It was quite an arduous task as we started to fill
the muddy patches near the pile of wood chip but as we extended to patches
further away the effort became harder, but swapping over the wheeling and the
raking gave us enough rest to continue throughout the morning.
Three of
the volunteers collected the fallen and broken branches and piled them up, one
volunteer picked litter, which at this time of the year with the under
growth having died off, made it easier to spot the beer cans, fast food
containers and a motorbike's rear number plate and mud guard.
task for the remaining volunteers was to clear the ivy off one of
the foot bridges. The ivy had grown significantly, and once they had
stripped it away, they found that in parts, the wooden barrier had rotted and could be
unsafe in the near future.
seemed dormant at this time of year but most of the trees that we had planted
over the years were growing and filling the spaces with a mixture of species to
enhance wildlife and for the benefit of people who pass by.
Cutting ivy on the bridge
Clearing the bridge
Graham shovelling woodchip
Headless person raking woodchip and spooky shadow
Tea break
Joan by the brash pile
Daffodils |
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