Blog by Eleanor, photos by Sally
This Saturday saw us once again at Hinksey Heights, to continue the work we had started a few weeks previously, that is to cut back brambles and clear a path to the upper lake on the side opposite the nature trail.
There had been a lot of rain in the previous few days, necessitating the closure of the golf course, and we could see the flooding in the fields on the other side of the A34. However, we were once again lucky with the weather, with only a slight drizzle as we made our way to the site and it wasn't long before we got some sunshine.
The first task was to move the heap of brambles we had made on our last visit to a more suitable site, then to continue cutting back, clearing a path round to the edge of the lake, and, hopefully, locate the sluice, which would mean that water could be diverted from the upper to the lower lake.
It was probably the last time we could cut back brambles before the nesting season began. Already there were signs of activity, with the tell tale sight of two robins. We also heard a strange bird call, which Jim identified as a snipe.
By the end of the session we had cut back enough bramble to make a clear path and it was time to rake and pile up the last of the cuttings. We made our way back up the slope for a very welcome free cup of coffee at the "19th Hole" cafe.
Preparing to move the heap
Working on the brambles
Philip practising circus skills (flattening the heap)
Tea break
Clearing a path
Heaps of brambles
Job done |
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