Boundary House Fen, Saturday 5th February, 2022

This week's blog post was written by Eleanor D, the AGG chair: 

We met by the Greenkeepers’ buildings for our session at Boundary House Fen. The temperature had begun to rise after an overnight frost and the sky was bright and sunny. Adrian had parked at the side of the road near the fen and unloaded the tools so for once we didn’t have anything to carry as we made our way along the hedge at the edge of the course.

Once there, we carried the tools across the fen, to where Rod d’Ayala was waiting to tell us  our tasks. There was a little raking to do but most of the vegetation had been raked into heaps so most people set to work piling it into drag bags and on to drag sheets and pitchforks and transporting to the bays which we had cut into the boundary hedge last time. Rod obligingly jumped on the heaps to compress them so we could pile more on top

After the break we moved to the far edge of the fen where the scythers set to work cutting down more reeds, which we raked up and transported to more heaps. Judy Webb had arrived by this time and I asked her to tell a new member about the importance of this alkaline fen, its ecology and how we were restoring it. This she did, laced with a strong dose of her political views!

It was time to pack up so we carried our tools back to the other side of the fen and made our way back to our meeting place.

Thank you to Michele, Sally, and Kevin for photos which are featured across this blog, our Twitter page, and our Instagram page! 


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