For this session we paid another visit to
Sunningwell, where we had done some work in the early Summer. The tasks
arranged by Bob Evans were to do some more clearing of the pond, to weed the
hedge we had planted on the Green and to clear the wildflower meadow.
James was eager to don waders and get
stuck into the pond. This task was overseen by another James from Sunningwell
(James Pond?) There was also a huge stack of cut willow by the pond, which
needed cutting into manageable pieces and moving to the bonfire site on the
Green. Graham, Margaret and I set to work on this task while the others went
off to do the hedge weeding.
Gradually, the willow pile grew smaller
and more weed and green gunge was pulled from the pond. The hedge weeders also
had a daunting task where a lot of nettles had grown among the young hedging plants.
We were very lucky to have our tea break
in Bob’s lovely garden, with delicious sausage rolls supplied by Bob’s wife
Some people had to leave after the break,
including both Jameses. The remaining hedge weeders went to work on the
wildflower meadow, Meanwhile, there was the remains of the willow to be cleared
and piles of pond gunge to be barrowed to the Green and dumped by the boundary
fence, where it would rot down.
Then it was time to pack up and we found
that one of our larger rakes was missing. At last we spotted it – abandoned on
the pond island, so even though we couldn’t get at it, at least we know where
it is!
James wades in. |
James Pond and Graham. |
Margaret cuts up willow. |
Working on the hedge. |
Dieuwke with a barrow load. |
Ursula slashes nettles. |
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