Margaret had the honour of leading this weekend's session at Southern Town Park. Our instruction was to clear the wildflower bed which we established a couple of years ago. The weather was good, starting out warm and rising to 25°C by lunchtime!
We began by collecting
any wildflowers that were left and distributing them amongst us (see photos).
After that, we plucked any nettles that had infiltrated into the bed. Finally we slashed back the rest of the plants and raked them into a pile away from the area.
This was all pretty much achieved by break time.
After the much-needed break (we had the luxury of a solid
iron park bench to serve the refreshment on and enough seating for most of us
to rest and take the weight off), we were back to the usual routine of slashing
and lopping down nettles and brambles that were starting to encroach upon the paths
and tracks.
Then of course litter picking, filling half a dozen bags - this is about the average for this location, with no unusual items of interest!
There was one minor casualty during the session when Graham disturbed a wasps' nest in a bunch of nettles and sustained a sting to the forehead. Treatment was
administered by Carolyn with some magic ointment from our First Aid box.
Margaret detailing the jobs to do. |
The flowers of our labours. |
We disturbed a few of these tiny frogs and placed them well away
from the work area.
Clearing the patch. |
Hops. Where did they come from? |
Carolyn with the prickly job of removing the brambles, hence
the dainty welders gloves that we use for this purpose.
Refreshments with wide ranging conversation.
Photo by Michele. |
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