Fourteen of us gathered in the car park in
Lambrick Way. We were pleased to welcome a new member, Elaine. For once we were
not going to pull up Himalayan Balsam, which made a change. Our task was to
weed the wild flower patch, which we had sown in March with seed donated by Kew
Gardens. This was an extension of last year’s patch.
We also needed to pick up
litter, which is abundant in Southern Town Park, though in Summer much of it is
hidden by vegetation. We wanted to cut back overhanging brambles and pull
nettles from around the fences. Last year’s wild flower patch was in full
bloom, with red campion, ox eye daisies, poppies and one of the umbellifer
family growing very tall. This year’s patch was also growing well, though not
yet in flower. We needed to pull up nettles, goose grass and thistles, and Matt
and Kevin set to work to slash the surrounding nettles and long grass.
By the end of the morning the wild flower
patch looked much clearer and we could see it was attracting insects. As well
as bees, we saw a number of damsel flies and two small skipper butterflies, We
collected several bags of litter and the path and fence edges looked much
the wild flower patch. |
photo of last year’s patch. |
pulling up nettles. |
slashing nettles. |
Tea Break. |
photo of last year’s wild flower patch. |
photo of this year’s patch. |
Common Blue Damselfly (photo by Michelle). |
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