Ock Valley Walk, Tesco End, 23rd June 2018

Abingdon Green Gym were at the Tesco end of the Ock River Path this week. Margaret was our leader for this session and our principal tasks were to pull up the invasive Himalayan Balsam and to pick litter. It was a gloriously sunny morning and we were quite grateful for the cool of the shade as we made our way with the tools and refreshments to our usual spot to set up our base. While James put up the Green Gym sign post, Dan busily cleared the path and a suitable area from stinging nettles, so that we could put down our tools in comfort. Margaret then briefed the group on our tasks for the day and we welcomed a new member, Sophie. We then split into two groups - four litter pickers and eight Himalayan Balsam pullers. The litter pickers fitted bags to their hoops and were very careful only to put cans, plastic and glass bottles in the clear sacks for recycling by the Council and everything else we found in the blue sacks. It was hard going to find litt...