Blog by Eleanor, photos by Julio and Sally
For once a sunny day was forecast as we gathered for our session at Hinksey Heights. There were eighteen of us as we were joined by volunteers from the Hinksey Heights group. This time we had been asked to work, not on the trail by the golf course, but on the footpath near the A34 and the access road to the golf course. Our tasks were to cut back brambles and overhanging branches and scythe vegetation along the footpath and to cut back and clear along the access road.
Sally gives us our instructions
Jim has already set to work scything
Start of the footpath, with Carolyn's hat
We had cleared this footpath a few years before, but now it was very overgrown again.
Footpath at the start of the session
Snowdrops beside the footpath
Unfortunately, as well as the snowdrops, there was a surprising amount of litter, and Philip set to work to pick this up.
A bag of litter
We worked hard, scything, lopping, raking and carrying the brambles and branches to where the path turned right on to the access road and Julio and Rhian built a superb dead hedge to guide walkers in the right direction.
The dead hedge
Meanwhile, some of the volunteers set to work on the access road, cutting back vegetation to the fence line and clearing mud and gravel.
Cutting back on the access road, Joan and Richard
Working (or not) by the access road
A heap of brambles by the fence
At break time, we went through to the adjoining field and enjoyed soaking up the early Spring sunshine. Then it was back to work, doing our best to have everything finished by 12.30.
The footpath clear
The access road clear
We collected up the tools and barrows and went back to the cars, thanking everyone for their hard work.
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