Blog by Eleanor, photos by Michele and Eleanor It was the time of year to cut down and rake our wildflower patch in Southern Town Park. There were only ten of us this time and our usual meeting place, the youth football club car park in Lambrick Way was jam packed with cars as there were a number of matches going on. Fortunately, some of us had come by bike.
Bikes and tools along the fence
We made our way down to the site at the far end beyond the playing pitches. The ground was very soft, so we decided to pull up as many nettles as possible as well as rosebay willowherb while the scythers set to work scything. There was still some sheep's scabious in flower, which we decided to leave. Kevin gallantly volunteered to go litter picking, which is always a necessary task on this site.
Soon there was plenty of vegetation to rake up and pile on to the existing heaps under the trees.
Raking and dragging
Barbara scything behind the notice board
We had to take care, as the damp ground made it an attractive area for frogs.
A frog
More work
We had our tea break at the picnic table and benches, always an advantage at this site.
Tea break
Unfortunately, it had started to drizzle lightly, despite the forecast being "sunny intervals and showers".
We still had seeds to sow and bulbs to plant in the wooded area behind the wildflower patch.
We sowed yellow rattle seed, as this parasitises certain types of grass and you don't want too much grass in a wildflower patch. Then we dug out some areas for the Autumn sowing seeds, devil's bit scabious and evening primrose.
Meanwhile, some people went to plant early Spring flowering wildflower bulbs in the wooded area. This was a new experiment and if it is successful, we can plant some more next year.
Ursula bulb planting
The work was finished, and as the weather was not too good, we decided not to linger, so made our way back to the car park. We will be back again in the Spring to sow more seeds and see how our bulbs are doing.
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