Manor Farm, Marcham - Saturday, 20 July 2024

Blog by Sally.  Photos by Julio, Kevin, Michele and Sally

We had another super turnout of 14 Green Gymmers for the second session of Himalayan Balsam pulling at Marcham.  Although it was a bit cloudy, it stayed fine, much to everyone's relief after our last excursion!  Three of our members came by bike from Abingdon and others car shared where possible keeping up with green credentials.  After assembling in the farm's car park, we made our way along the lane and past the fields to a very welcome bench, where we set up our base for the morning.  Once everyone had donned their gloves we separated into different groups to tackle the Balsam which was growing on both sides of the stream and along a ditch running between the fields.

Much as we wish to rid the countryside of this invasive non-native species, it is a very welcome task for us to do as we can have a natter whilst we work.  The plant is shallow rooted so it comes up quite easily and the hollow stems give a very satisfying crunch when crushed (to ensure they don't re-root).  We were surprised to find it growing in trees though!

Break time was very welcome and once we we were suitably refreshed we set back to work again.  With each plant possibly being able to produce hundreds of seeds, we must have saved the potential of hundreds of thousands of plants from germinating next year, but we know our work is not done and we look forward to returning next year and making more progress.

It's good to see that something enjoys Himalayan Balsam!

In the thick of it

Rosie undaunted by the towering Himalayan Balsam

Rhian on the far side of the stream

Where's Kevin?

Dieuwke and Kevin on a pincer movement showing no mercy!

The enemy in full sight

Dieuwke, Kevin, Susan and Margaret - and there's still more Himalayan Balsam!

Kate and Carolyn tackle the ditch

And it even grows in trees!

Break time!

A determined Barbara with Kate keeping a watchful eye

Julio, Margaret and Dieuwke on the last push (or pull?!)


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