Boundary House Fen - Saturday 27th July 2024

Blog and photos by Eleanor This session was at Boundary House Fen again, but our task was different from the usual reed cutting, raking and stacking. Instead, we were working in the wooded area above the fen, and we were pulling up the creeping thistle, which must not be allowed to creep on to the fen, or on to the golf course, for that matter. Creeping thistle Creeping thistle has a light mauve flower head and we soon found it easy to distinguish from the marsh thistle. Some of us removed the larger plants, while those who didn't mind getting on their hands and knees tackled the smaller ones. There was also some scything and raking to be done and the odd stray Himalayan Balsam to be pulled up. Green Gymmers hard at work Judy Webb arrived with her bug collecting equipment so we knew we could expect some interesting finds. Judy equipped for bug hunting The weather was very warm and sunny, and we were quite glad to be working mostly in the shade of the trees. It was ideal weat...