Old Berkeley Golf Course, Boars Hill, Saturday 8th April

 this weeks' blog was written by Eleanor D

We were at Old Berkeley Golf course, next to Abrahams Wood on Boars Hill, working for the Oxford Preservation Trust. It was a fine, sunny day but as it was Easter Saturday there were just ten of us. Our task was to clear rush and creeping bent grass from the stream to make room for ivy leaved crowfoot, which is quite a rare plant. You can see a photo of it.

Rod d’Ayala arrived, to instruct us on what to do, which was quite a relief as we wouldn’t have been sure we were doing the right thing! We set to work digging up rushes with forks and small mattocks and pulling grass out of the water course while Sally scythed rushes. Rod showed us how to make bunds out of sections of turf and lay them across the stream in order to slow down the flow of water and spread it out. We put the rushes into the two wheelbarrows to transport to piles under trees at either side of the stream.

We were glad of our break, as the work was tiring and the sun was surprisingly strong for April. An extra treat awaited us, as Sally had brought along some mini Easter cupcakes. Then it was back to work.

However, after doing about half an hour’s work, a small group of us sneaked off to Abrahams Wood to follow the Easter treasure hunt trail. It was a pleasant change to be in the cool, shady wood. A few of the bluebells were just starting to come out. In two or three weeks’ time there will be a spectacular display.

Back at the workplace there were heaps of reeds, the result of Sally’s diligent scything, to be cleared away. She found a female toad, which we all went to look at and which you can see in the photos.

We were pleased with what we had achieved during the morning, although there is still plenty more to do


lots of digging going on 

moving clumps of rushes

well earned tea break

spread out wetland


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