This week's blog post is a joint effort from the dazzling Eleanor D. and the chivalrous Kevin T.:
This Saturday saw us once again at Boundary House Fen working under the direction of Rod d’Ayala. Kevin, the session leader drove along the road and parked next to the fen, which saved us having to carry the tools from the greenkeeper’s compound. It was a lovely, sunny morning, which made all the difference. The scythers set to work cutting the reeds, as directed by Rod while the rest of us raked them up or moved the existing heaps on drag sheets to the pond and the stream. Meanwhile, Jim had already started work scything the vegetation on the bank above the fen. We had four scythers in total to make a concerted effort - the ground was very muddy with the heavy rain making it a bit tricky moving the cut reeds, but we seemed to establish a system of going in teams for best effect! At tea break time, Michele, who had been delayed by a malfunctioning central heating boiler, arrived with a promised chocolate biscuit cake, which was much appreciated.
After the break we continued the raking and reed transportation, while some of us went up on to the bank to rake up Jim’s scythings and pile them up, watched by an impatient robin, keen to dive down and feast on creepy crawlies we had uncovered. By the end of the morning, no less than three people had managed to step in a hole deep enough to send water over the top of their wellies, but that’s one of the hazards of working here. One casualty from the quagmire was Carolyn, who sank to her knees and had to be hauled out and wellies drained - thankfully Sally had some spare socks and towel for such an occasion for Carolyn to carry on! There is still more work to be done and we will be back again in December (hopefully with drier feet!)

Autumn colours |
Rosie v reeds: the final showdown
The glorious team! |
Refreshment break |
Scythers at work |
Carolyn after her dip! |
Getting it done |
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