Boundary House Fen, Saturday the 22nd of October, 2022

Thirteen Green Gymmers assembled in the greenkeepers’ compound for our session on Boundary House Fen. We had been asked by the Head Greenkeeper to be on the fen by 10a.m. as there would be a “shotgun start” to a competition, with golf balls flying off from all the tees on the course, so mindful of this warning, we made our way to the fen, where Rod d’Ayala was waiting for us with instructions.

    He showed the scythers the areas which needed cutting, while the rest of us had to rake the cut reeds into rolls to be transferred on drag sheets to build up a wall along the ditch on the edge of the fen. Once a passage had been cut to the stream, we also needed to rake the cut reeds into the stream. The idea is to make the water spread out across the fen.

    Fortunately, the weather was mild and sunny, unlike the previous day or the following day, and we enjoyed sitting in the sunshine for our break. Judy Webb had arrived with the cotton grass plants which some of the Green Gymmers had been looking after during the Spring and Summer and Lesley went to help plant them out. Cotton Grasses are among the plants, along with marsh lousewort, which are specialists of this type of wetland. 

    By the end of the session, we had certainly made a difference, but there was still more to do, and we will be back again in December.

Call a spade a spade. 


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