This week's blog post was written by the dream team, Helen and Henry!:
Manor Farm is a site that Abingdon Green Gym has been going to for many years but there was still plenty of Himalayan Balsam for the 16-strong group of Green Gymmers to tackle this week.
To cover as much ground as possible, we split into several groups – some worked along the lane where the balsam had been very successful at growing on the roadside, whilst others made good use of their wellies by crossing the stream to get to the balsam in the wooded area.
After a good initial session of balsam bashing, we reassembled for the tea break, where Kevin reported he had seen a crayfish in the brook and Sally drew our attention to the call of a yellowhammer.
Powered by tea and biscuits, we mustered for a final round of balsam pulling and although we could have been there for many more hours to fully clear the area, we were nonetheless pleased with what we had achieved.
The balsam hoards |
Getting to work |
Resistance is futile |
Friends lend a helping hand |
Circle of friendship |
Ditch dwellers |
Stamping down the opposition |
Off home |
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