It was a lovely spring morning for the Abingdon Green Gym volunteers as we started our session up at the Hinksey Heights Golf Course, complete with blue skies and sky-larks singing. It was so clear and light we could see the Dreaming Spires easily from the top of the hill that we were working on. We had a healthy turnout of a baker's dozen, and we started off with a walk around one of the fairways which was being re-opened in order to check what work needed doing for the day. Ably led by our session leader for the morning, Sally, we had a few tasks this session:
1. Collecting up old tree guards and stakes to be re-used elsewhere on the site.
2. Creating some dead hedges to redirect walkers away from the fairway and directly onto the Chiswell Valley footpath.
3. Cutting down some overhanging greenery which was trailing down to head-level for cyclists and walkers.
There were hundreds of tree guards along the side of the fairway, which we collected and wrapped up inside one another so that they wouldn't blow away whilst being stored. We also made sure to cut or slip off any plastic cable ties that had attached them to stakes, as these would take hundreds of years to biodegrade and need to be disposed of properly. The stakes themselves could be reused for a variety of tasks, including making new dead hedges, which some of our team were beavering away to make!
At break time the team took the opportunity to have a well-earned sit in the sun and enjoy some of the chocolate Easter treats that had been brought along. In the second session, we were all focussed on making those dead hedges, which involved collecting cut materials and weaving them between stakes, or creating more of a barricade along a long log. All of these activities were assisted by the very helpful owner of HHGC, John Brimble, who was able to make light work of transporting the materials with his tractor and trailer - thank you, John!
Off to work we go! |
Richard was very excited by the morning walk |
A great big blue sky! |
Jim's processing plant |
The fruits of our labours |
Helen loads the trailer |
Eleanor B basking in the glory of the packed trailer |
Carolyn, Graham and Rose dead-hedging |
More Eleanor B enjoying the trailer |
Kevin and Rosie with the beginnings of their hedge |
Well deserved rest |
Jim and the beautiful dead hedge |
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