This week's blog post was written by AGG chair, Eleanor D., and accompanied with photos by volunteer (and former chair) Kevin!
This Saturday’s session was at Hinksey Heights Nature Reserve, where we have been several times before.
Having found odd places to park along the roadside, the golf club car park being full, we gathered together so John Brimble, the landowner, could outline the tasks that needed to be done. John is in the process of creating and extending this nature reserve with the help of volunteers, which include a lake, a calcareous fen, woodland, hedgerows and meadows. The tasks were to cut back brambles at the entrance to the footpath, widen the footpath, open up a new pathway and fill in a gap with a dead hedge.
We split up into groups to start work. The weather was dull and cloudy but dry and not too cold and the work kept us warm anyway. By tea break time the new pathway was open and the dead hedge was almost complete. The second part of the morning was mostly devoted to clearing the cut wood and vegetation and carrying it over to the bonfire which Adrian and Graham had got going. John and his son had also cut down some trees by the edge of the lake. We used some of the logs and branches to finish off the dead hedge and the rest we dragged to the bonfire.
We look forward to returning here at a future date and seeing it in the Spring and Summer.
The Pathfinders |

Carolyn's lovely red hat made her easy to spot! |
Max does battle with a tall branch |
Adrian starts eating branches from lack of sustenance |
A well deserved break |
The cleared footpath |
Our annual AGG sacrifice to the gods (aka the burning of twigs which couldn't be used for the hedge)
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