Another bright sunny Saturday - perfect for a green gym session! We met at the golf club, eighteen-strong. Here we were 'checked-in' by an official with a tablet outside the club house and then directed to a spot on the grass at the far end of the car park. Once fully assembled, we headed off to the ground keeper's compound just along the road. Unfortunately the gate was padlocked and the code that had been given didn't appear to work. Adrian and Alison were the first on the scene and Alison made a phone call in order to retrieve the correct code and we were on our way.
A quick opening address by Andrew later and we gathered our tools and headed across the fairways to our work site at Boundary House Fen. Here we were met by site warden (for want of a better term!) Rod d'Ayala and also volunteer Eleanor B, who lives locally and was able to walk to site. There was no easy path across the fen, with the reeds having grown up considerably since our last visit.
Rod outlined the jobs to be done which included raking up cut reeds an adding them to pre-existing piles or to the pond or stream. For the two scythers amongst us (Adrian and Alison), there were areas along the stream to be scythed, also there was some work to be carried out to the recently-dug leat that serves to divert the course of the stream and irrigate the fen.
It was already after 10am by the time we had arrived and got going, but due to our considerable number, we were able to make good progress. Most of the raking on one side of the site was complete by break time and the scything and digging teams were getting on well.
A number of wildflowers were in abundance including orchids, ragged robin, foxglove and comfrey. A newt was spotted and saved from the scythe while many damselflies and dragonflies were observed including broad-bodied chasers.
A successful and enjoyable session all-in-all and a great time to visit the fen to enjoy the flora and fauna that it supports.
All that was left was the return journey across the busy golf course and the inevitable pausing for golfers to tee-off and take their shots along the way!
Rod instructs the group upon arrival. |
Roger, Nathan and James on leat maintenance detail. |
The water re-distibution channel. |
A bee on a dog rose. |
Break time. |
Rosie pitchforking reeds. |
Adrian and Alison with their scythes. |
A newt saved from the scythe! |
Common spotted orchid. |
Ursula, James, Dieuwke and Janet take a break. |
Boundary House Fen. |
Margaret's special-edition 'I ♥ falling over backwards' shirt! |
Comfrey. |
Ragged Robin. |
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