Southern Town Park, 20th July 2019

Eleven of us turned up at the car park on Lambrick Way for our session at Southern Town Park, led by Sally. It was a muggy day, with rain threatening - although it never came to anything - and we set off loaded with our gear to set up base at the usual picnic bench.

The main tasks of the day were litter picking, cutting back overhanging branches and inspecting and weeding the wild flower patch we’d reseeded last March. Sally had brought along her folder in which all the plants are listed so we could see which ones were in flower. The patch has been doing incredibly well, and was buzzing with insects, butterflies and bees, so it was decided we’d expand it, too. A passerby commented how, since getting his dog three months ago, he’d walked past on a regular basis and enjoyed seeing the flowers come up. It’s always nice to get such a positive response!

In the first half of the session a few of us went far and wide litter picking, whilst others concentrated on the wildflower patch. After the tea break, it was back to the wild flowers for more clearing before we went home happy after a good morning’s work.

The circle of truth.

The wildflower patch.

Ox-eye daisies.

Checking the patch.

Litter pickers!

Tea break.


Extending the wildflower patch.

Litter haul including a rusty scooter.


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