a departure to our main programme, a special mid-week raking session had been
arranged at Two Pines Fen, a Site of Special Scientific Interest, on Frilford
Heath Golf Course. Because the Fen is flanked by two golf courses, it is
only practical to carry out this work when one of the courses is closed for
maintenance and, on this occasion, it was the Green Course that was
closed. Five Green Gymmers had set aside the day, including Lindsay, a
friend of the Green Gymmers, who had been given the day off by the company she
works for as a ‘charity day’.
met in the Greenkeepers’ Compound area and took the tools and tea kit to Two
Pines Fen. It was apparent from the water level in the stream, which is
more like a ditch, that the recent damming work by Rod d’Ayala had caused water
levels to rise, with the consequence of wetting the Fen, which has been drying
out in recent years to the detriment of the specialist plants and invertebrates
that inhabit it.
principal task was to rake off as much of the cut reed and thatch that has
built up over the years as possible and take the rakings to the edge of the Fen
for the groundsmen to pick up at a later date. We had also been asked to
cut down sprouting willow to prevent this from growing thereby taking moisture
from the Fen and crowding out the specialist Fen plants that we are trying to
initially concentrated our efforts on the area of Fen flanked by the Red
Course, as we had been told that it was being used for a Ladies’ competition
that day. However, Hurricane Gareth soon started up and put an end to
that! So, although on the one hand we had few golfers to worry about, the
weather was against us from about 10.00 o’clock with heavy rain at times and a
strong wind. We soldiered on, with Adrian and Sylfest concentrating
initially on cutting down the willow and brambles, while Graham, Lindsay and
Sally raked and raked. Break time could not come soon enough and we
struggled to keep biscuits from getting soggy as the rain continued!
we carried on until lunch time, with the heap of ‘lost’ golf balls growing
almost as quickly as our pile of rakings! We made our way back to take
shelter in one of the huts in the compounds where we were able to dry off and
enjoy our packed lunches with a hot drink and some lemon cake.
lunch, we returned to carry on where we had left off. Lindsay carefully
picked off fallen leaves from the precious area of sphagnum moss that had been
marked with canes.
the rain began to ease, our spirits correspondingly lifted especially when the sun
at last came out. Raking continued into the afternoon and we progressed
onto the Green course side. As we raked to reveal the soil beneath, pools
were forming, which will be home to rare Fen invertebrates.
cut back the willow growing at the top end of the Fen and, it was as we were
leaving, we found some spotted narrow leaves – so at least one of the orchids
was coming through, ready to make a splendid show which many of the golfers
will enjoy in late spring. All-in-all, it was a good day’s work and we
hope that the rare Fen plants and invertebrates will show their appreciation by
thriving and hopefully increasing in number.
photographs do not reflect the very un-Green-Gymlike weather we encountered for
most of the morning (thanks, Gareth!) as our main priority was to get the
raking done, but the afternoon sunshine was very welcome and we packed up at
just before 4.00 o’clock, a little later than planned and all of us were
looking forward to a cup of tea and a hot bath!
Sylfest, Adrian, Graham and Lindsay getting to work before the arrival of storm Gareth. |
Spirits restored after lunch - Graham and Sylfest. |
Adrian adds to our haul of golf balls. |
Bizarrely beginning to look like a map of Britain. |
One of the precious pools revealed by raking. |
The sphagnum moss patch - reputedly the largest in the county of Oxfordshire - which we're hoping will grow. |
A good spot! The telltale spotted narrow leaves of an orchid. |
At the end of a hard day's work - Adrian, Graham, Lindsay and Sylfest and our heap of rakings. |
One of the leaky dams created by Rod d'Ayala. The height of the stream is a lot higher now. |
The clouds rolling in over the fen as we say farewell - its looking a lot darker and wetter as a result of our raking. |
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