For our last session of the year, we met at the car park
opposite the Merry Miller pub – the venue for our Christmas lunch next weekend
– and made our way down the path armed with hard hats, bow saws and loppers to
Cothill Fen. The session was led by Kevin, with Judy Webb from Natural England
instructing us with the morning’s tasks.
As we came upon the fen, it was quickly apparent what a
change had taken place since the last time we were here at the end of
September. Natural England volunteers had done a huge amount of scything of
brambles and general clearing and Adrian had built two reed causeways across
the fen, which had filled out nicely with water. The original National Trust
post from 1916 had also been rediscovered and placed next to the gate onto the
In a change from our usual fen-work, there was no raking
today. Instead we were to stick to the boundaries on both sides of the wet area
continuing to cut back the hazel coppices, holly and other growth. It was also
discovered there was a spindle tree which might be allowed to flower given
enough light.
It turned out to be quite a hair-raising first half, with
tall growths of hazel being cut down, and ‘timber!’ shouted at regular
intervals. Thank goodness for our hard hats! But then: disaster. When chopping
down a coppice next to the spindle tree, the spindle itself fell sideways and
it was discovered it was rotten at its base. With a half cut tree next to a
precariously balanced spindle, Judy stood guard to warn walkers of the
impending danger until help could arrive in the form of Judy’s colleague,
We had a lovely tea break, where Kevin presented recently
engaged Andrew and Joanna with a card. Very touching! After some considerable
wedding talk, we then set to work, mainly on the other side of the fen, to
further clear coppices and undergrowth to make way for wild flowers. There we
discovered King Alfred’s Cake, yellow stagshorn and clustered bonnet fungi,
plus a medium-sized frog was spotted in the leaf litter. Judy was pleased we’d
piled together the dead wood as it provides vital habitats to insects, which
means more birds. She pointed out that in any woodland about half the wood
should be dead, as 90% of the biodiversity lives in that wood.
Sunshine broke out intermittently through the clouds during
the course of the morning, and it was only as we arrived back at our cars that
a gentle patter of rain started up. All in all, a great last session to the
Meeting in the car park. |
Joanna completes her membership form. |
The recovered National Trust post. |
Judy makes a point. |
Lesley cuts the coppiced trees into sections. |
Graham fells. |
Disaster strikes!! |
The ever more open fen. |
What a drag! Kevin rearranges base camp in order to remain a safe distance from the dangerous tree. |
The precariously balanced trees. |
Tea, coffee and grapes. |
Carolyn coordinates January's AGM buffet contributors at break time. |
The medium-sized frog makes a cameo appearance. |
Bare trees and ivy. |
King Alfred's Cakes. |
Yellow Stagshorn fungi. |
Dieuwke has stacks to do. |
Not loud but brash. |
Teamwork. |
On it like a Clustered Bonnet fungi. |
Lesley with some Christmas wreath-making materials. |
The gogglebox. |
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