The Elizabeth Daryush Memorial Garden, 30th June 2018

Abingdon Green Gym were at the Elizabeth Daryush Memorial Garden this week for pond cleaning, nettle whacking and Himalayan balsam pulling. James was our leader for this session.

It was a hot and sunny morning out in the sun so we set up camp in the shade. James then briefed us on our tasks. Most people went to help clear the pond of cressula, and Margaret and Charles went to clear the nettles away from the wildflower patch and surrounding area. A small team also went out to clear Himalayan balsam although there was only a small patch so efforts could be concentrated on the pond clearing.

Eleanor provided the refreshments this week which was very appreciated as the pond was in full sun! After a short break we returned to work.

All the nettles that needed to be cleared were, and we made quite a dent on the cressula in the pond, however it was very hard to get it all without disturbing the other plants in the pond. In the pond itself we found a spiders nest with a tunnel entrance, a newt, some tadpoles and plenty of dragonflies.

All in all a rewarding, albeit a bit sweaty, morning. 

A newt found in the pond.

Hard at work in the pond.

Spider's nest.

Mating dragonflies.

Nettle slashing.

Cressula pile.


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