Mill Road, Marcham, 28th July 2018

This Saturday was a return visit to Marcham for further efforts to clear the himalayan balsam. This was not originally on the programme, but instead down as TBA with arrangements made in the interim. We met by the barn where we used to enjoy our coffee breaks and watch the house martins nesting in the spring. Unfortunately the barn has had an upgrade, with new doors and windows - to be put to a more useful purpose that we can only guess at. This means we now take our kit with us to where a kind person has dedicated a bench to a chap who died a few years ago. He must have enjoyed the spot next to the stream. A good choice, and it is here that we have to cross to get at the balsam. The stream water level was low which hadn't been the case a few month ago when waders would have been required! But now it easy to paddle across in wellies, while being careful of the silt that had gathered at the edge - as some of the first to go across found out...