Southern Town Park, 31st March 2018

This was an extra session, not on the programme as we don’t usually meet on Easter Saturday, but there was still work to do on the wild flower patch, which we hadn’t managed to finish the previous week. In the end ten of us turned up including new recruits, father and son Nick and Oscar, as Oscar is doing his Duke of Edinburgh award. We had decided to work from 10-12 with no tea break and then head off for a pub lunch.

Most Green Gymmers went to work on the wild flower patch, digging it over and extending it and pulling up nettles and goose grass. There was also work to be done sawing and tidying up fallen branches and James volunteered to do this. There was still quite a lot of litter so I went litter picking. It was encouraging to meet some members of the Youth Football Club litter picking around the pitches (female members, of course!).

By midday the wild flower seeds had been sown and marked out with stakes and labels, with the woodland ones nearer the trees and the meadow ones in the less shady area. Fortunately the rain held off until we had almost finished and we headed off to the White Horse for lunch. I was unwittingly accompanied by a small snail, which had crawled up my fleece during lunch and wasn’t discovered until we were leaving. I hope it likes its new home in the pub flower beds.

Photos by Sally:


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