Ock Valley Walk, Tesco End, 17th March 2018

Ten hardy Green Gymmers, well prepared to face the second attack of the “Beast from the East”, assembled for litter picking and clearing fallen branches. Unfortunately this blog doesn’t contain photos. It was far too cold even to think of photos and anyway, this would have involved removing gloves to press buttons.

There was a lot of litter, which had accumulated since the last time we had been here last Autumn. There was a bitterly cold wind and occasional flurries of snow, but the snow had not yet settled and covered the litter. There were also many fallen branches to be cleared, brought down by the winter storms and snow falls.

We were very glad of our mid morning break with cups of tea and coffee to warm us up and plenty of biscuits. We bravely carried on until almost 12:30pm, with branches cut up and put on piles and leaving about eight bags of rubbish and recycling by the roadside for the council contractors to pick up on Monday.

A huge thank you to the Green Gymmers who weren’t deterred by the weather. You did a grand job!


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