Sunningwell Green, 25th November 2017

Back in February 2016, we made our first visit to Sunningwell to assist some of the locals to plant a hedge on the green. The green had recently been saved from possible development and since then has been bought by a group of the villagers to ensure that it remains as a valuable community asset. We returned for a second session this weekend to continue with the hedge planting - essentially to extend it in a line from the where we left off last time, down the slope, towards the main road. Having parked our cars outside the village hall, we met with Bob Evans who lives opposite the green and who was again supervising our work here. After being briefed in his front garden, the fifteen or so Green Gymmers and a few Sunningwell residents began work. The first task was to clear away some overgrown vegetation in the area with slashers and rakes. Next, a line was established with some string to define where the tree whips were to be planted, with canes put in...