The Stonehill Community Garden, 30th September 2017

Today we were at the Community Garden Stonehill House, Stonehill Lane, Abingdon for the second time this year. The Community Garden is open every Wednesday and welcomes volunteers, who grow fruit and vegetables and look after rescued battery chickens.

Rachel, who is in charge of the project, had arranged a number of tasks for us, and luckily the session was well attended, with 15 Green Gymmers turning up. The tasks included clearing nettles and other weeds from the recently planted hedge, moving compost and leaf mould from the bins into the garden ready for spreading on the beds, digging two small ponds and even building a toilet cubicle from pallets under the direction of Graham, who is a regular Wednesday volunteer.

We all worked hard until coffee break time and Michele had brought refrigerator biscuit cake, which was very welcome. The compost and leaf mould had all been moved, so some of us set to work digging the ponds. By the end of the morning the perimeter of the garden looked much better for the weed clearing, we had dug one pond and cleared the ground ready for digging the second one and the toilet cubicle was well on the way to completion.Graham will finish it off on Wednesday.

Before we left, some of us bought vegetables, honey from hives in the grounds and apple juice from a pressing earlier in the month.

Moving the compost.

Beginning work on the cubicle.


The rescue chickens.

Tea break.

The almost finished cubicle.


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