Ock Valley Walk, Town End, 20th May 2017

The Green Gym met at the Town End of the Ock Valley Walk last Saturday in what was a change to the initially-published programme.

The jobs to be taken care of were outlined by session leader James, and consisted of finishing the woodchip path, clearing the path from nettles and other overgrown vegetation and the usual litter-pick.

The nettles bashing took a bit of a back seat to raking of the rampant goose-grass (cleavers) as it had grown in place of the nettles. 

The turn-out was smaller than usual but the usual suspects worked hard.  We were pleased to welcome along a a new member, Dan, who had a good day while making him fully aware that there was no payment only - in coffee and biscuits, or at least the ones available before Graham turns up! Let's hope that we don't scare him away.

Despite threatening skies, the rain thankfully held off in what was a pleasant morning's work.

The group assemble.

Let work commence...

Green Gym amidst the greenery.

An apparently exhausted Margaret!


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