Ock Valley Walk, Town End, 25th March 2017

An startlingly bright and beautiful morning greeted the Green Gymmers as we gathered at this week's appointed meeting spot - by the footbridge over the weir at the town end of the Ock Valley Walk.  We were somewhat reduced in numbers due the ATOM science festival occuring at the same time, with several of our members being involved. In addition, session leader Kevin was unable to attend due to unforeseen circumstances, and Eleanor stepped up to deputise. In the event, a group of eleven assembled - still a respectable number.

Once we had re-located to the work site, the tasks for the morning were outlined.  These were to re-lay the woodchip path, to sow some wild flower seeds and to litter-pick.  We subsequently divided ourselves up accordingly and got underway.

We only had a single wheelbarrow and the woodchip piles were minimal.  We did well throughout the morning to cover half of the path, however, but will need to continue with this task next time.  

Elsewhere, a number of patches of wild flower seeds were planted, and a reasonable amount of litter was retrieved.

It was encouraging to see many of the trees that we have planted here in recent years beginning to show signs of life now that spring is well underway.  Leaves and blossom abound!  Also, and with some surprise, some of the snake's head fritillary flowers that we sowed previously are already in flower.

We return to this location next week and hope to finish laying the woodchip and attending to the other tasks that require our attention.

Eleanor explains the tasks ahead.

A bright start.

Ian, Graham and Petra in various states of activity!

Eleanor sows some wild flower seeds as Rosie and Lesley dig.

Lesley serves elevenses.

The Green Gym publicity sign and leaflet dispenser beside the freshly woodchipped path.

Pear blossom.

A fine display of daffodils beside the Ock.

Pink primroses.

Ian rakes.

Margaret returning from a wheelbarrow run.

One of the snake's head fritillary flowers.


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