Cothill Fen, 14th May 2016

Eleven Green Gymmers met opposite the Merry Miller pub for our session at Cothill Fen. We were joined by Judy Webb, who was in charge of the task, and Stephanie, an NNR  trainee. 

This time we were not going on to the fen itself but cutting back scrub and small trees from the far end of the fen alongside the footpath. The weather was fine, though colder than the previous week but we soon warmed up as we set to work. 

There was a lot of hawthorn, wild raspberry and hazel to be cut back. Judy is hoping that clearing the scrub from the edge of the fen will encourage wild flowers to grow. There were also some larger trees to be felled, so we had brought along hard hats for that task. We added the brash and smaller branches to the dead hedge we had made over two years ago.

As we worked and during our break we heard a cuckoo, a green woodpecker and a warbler, though none of us could tell what kind by its call.

By the end of the session we had cleared a lot and added considerably to the dead hedge. We will be coming back in July to rake up and stack reeds on the fen.

Scrub cutting
Graham prepares to fell trees
More scrub cutting
Adding to the pile

NNR trainee Stephanie at work

Tea break


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