Abraham Wood, Boars Hill, 28th November 2015

We were at Abraham Wood, Boars Hill for this Saturday's session.  We work here on behalf of the Oxford Preservation Trust who own and manage the site.  On this occasion, session leader, Sally, had been instructed on our tasks in advance and so we were in attendance on our own.

Our job was to clear vegetation alongside the boundary fence between the two entry 'kissing gates'.  A 1.5 metre to 2 metre corridor was required to be cleared, of some considerable distance.  Thus it appeared to be rather a daunting task at first.  The area was thick with non-native and invasive laurel, along with many brambles and holly.  There was also some hazel that required coppicing.

Following Sally's initial briefing, our fourteen-strong team split into pairs, spaced at intervals along the boundary, each tackling our own section.

The weather was mild and dry and therefore favourable from the off, although the sky looked increasingly grey and threatening as the morning progressed.

The lopping and slashing commenced, and the cuttings were stacked onto existing piles from previous sessions.

Despite the thick vegetation growth, it was surprising just how much progress was quickly made and by the break at 11am, it looked as if we were well on our way to completion.

Indeed, a good push in the second half saw us achieve our goals!  A job well done.

It was fortunate that we had already packed up and were well on our way transporting our tools back up the hill, when it finally began to rain.  A slightly damp end but otherwise, a lucky escape!

Abraham Wood

A bright start to the morning on Boars Hill

Sally instructs us on the morning's task

Victor gets stuck in

Some of the dense vegetation that required clearing

A rare sighting of the chief blogger!

A pause in the morning's operation

Dieuwke, busy lopping

Getting there!

A finished section

Spot the green gymmer!

Kate and Michelle at the end of the session

Back through the gate

Homeward bound!


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