Frilford Heath SSSI, 11th July 2015

Today a small but well-practiced group consisting of eight of us returned to Woodhaven, Frilford Heath, under Sally’s leadership to continue to tackle the Himalayan Balsam. It was noticeable that efforts from previous years had been successful in achieving a reduction in a number of areas, but a great deal remained, quite widely dispersed around the site. Accordingly we split into small groups to search it out and pull it up.

Petra soon finds some

All the vegetation is in full growth now – Robert is just about visible!

Yes, it really is Robert!

Petra definitely has found some!

What beautiful flowers. But they’ll have to go......

Time for coffee – the shade is very welcome.

Janet is finding lots...

Forget-me-nots - I think!

The native plants look very healthy. We will try to remember where these hazel nuts are if we come back later in the year.


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