Abbey Fishponds, 18th April 2015

A happy return to Abbey Fishponds with a big turnout! It was a beautiful morning with bright sunshine although cool. 

Kevin was leading, with directions from site warden, Marjorie. Tasks included laying woodchips on paths, cutting and slashing parables, planting and weeding, cutting and stacking wood, and litter picking. 

Also it was sad for us that it was Erin Hills last day with us. She has been a great volunteer but has now completed this part of her Duke of Edinburgh Award. 

In addition, the Green Gym Team (the Loppers and Slashers), with brains refreshed by the morning's work in the open air, won the Friends of the Museum annual fundraising quiz in the evening.

Now that’s definitely ready for some planting...

What’s this fungus up to?

The fungus made the tree unsafe and it had to be cut down.

James cutting and stacking the remains of the tree.

Rihanna and Erin, our Duke of Edinburgh volunteers, laying a chipping path.


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