Abbey Fishponds, 7th February 2015

Green Gym was a big group this morning under Sally’s leadership and was swelled by the Abbey Fishponds volunteer team, whose leader Marjorie briefed us on our tasks which included laying woodchip paths, cutting and stacking small trees and clearing brush, and litter- picking.

Marjorie (in the green jacket) at the briefing session, along with Loretta from the Earth Trust who now manage the site
James cutting prolific tree growth

Peter from Abbey Fishponds group. Raking grass is hard work!

Andrew makes a really nice woodchip path!

It looks so much better than when it’s all mud

Rihanna (right) comes to Green Gym regularly as part of her Duke of Edinburgh Award programme

Colin with his ever-useful and adaptable trolley

“Well it’s litter, but not as we know it!” Kate, with Dieuwke following up

At last!


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