Abbey Fishponds, 5th April 2014

This was our second outing of the year to the Abbey Fishponds site and we picked-up where we left off last month, with many of the tasks ongoing from before.  We were instructed on our details at the beginning by site warden, Marjorie White, which were; to continue laying the woodchip path, to resume the removal of a fallen tree, some cutting back of overgrown foliage, hedge maintenance and litter-picking.

We thus decided upon our tasks and split into smaller groups in order to accomplish them.  As well as the Green Gym volunteers and Marjorie, we were joined by Mike and Pete from the Fishponds group who oversaw the path-laying and hedge work respectively.

The weather, as usual was kind.  Not as warm as recently, but a comfortable temperature for working, and crucially, no rain, despite the skies being somewhat overcast.

The initial aim with the path-laying was to use up the whole of the woodchip pile that had accumulated at the Radley Road end of the site.  This was achieved by break time, while good progress was made with cutting up the fallen tree until the remaining sections became too difficult/large to tackle with our saws.

Following refreshments, the main focus was to assist Pete in sourcing lengths of willow and hazel to weave into the hedge on the eastern boundary of the site.  A number of posts were also fashioned from larger pieces of wood to replace the worn out ones.  

All in all, another productive session and we will be returning again soon no doubt!

Marjorie instructs

from a different angle...

Margaret clears some branches cut from the fallen tree

Sally and Ursula rake the woodchip

James showing off his new trousers as he wields a saw

tea or coffee?

the hedge at the eastern edge of the site

willow and hazel stalks for weaving into the hedge

glow-worm larvae attached to Margaret's glove


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