AGM, 11th January 2014

We met at James and Ursula's house for the A.G.M. and we thank them for their hospitality in once again hosting the meeting. There were fifteen of us altogether, probably one of the highest percentages of members attending an A.G.M. of any club or society, but this may have been in anticipation of the delicious food to be served afterwards.

After coffee and biscuits, our chairman, James, began proceedings. We discussed the previous year's activities and looked ahead to sessions we hoped to run in the coming year. Something we would like to do is some construction work under expert supervision, such as board walks, fences or gates. We also discussed training needs, especially First Aid, new and replacement tools and publicity to attract new members.

During the meeting, Samantha arrived with baby Charlotte, who played happily on the floor, heedless of the serious proceedings. We are grateful to Samantha for finding time to attend in the midst of her busy schedule as the current Mayor of Abingdon as well as looking after her family. James and Ursula's house overlooks the Ock Valley Walk, where we are planning to plant some new trees in February, so the types of trees and the their care was another subject for discussion.

At the end of the meeting we went down to the kitchen, where a delicious spread was laid out. James and Ursula had provided cold meats and drinks and members had contributed a variety of other foods. The customary meringues proved very popular, Robert had made two varieties of tasty focaccia and Barry brought an apple strudel, which he had learned to make on a Danube cruise. After more coffee, people began to drift away, leaving James and Ursula in peace and their cats to be admitted back into the house.
- Eleanor

Chairman James opens the meeting
Robert, Margaret and Kevin

Lauren and Sally

Samantha and Charlie
The feast after the AGM


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