Southern Town Park, 28th September 2013

Eleven green-gymmers assembled in the Football Club car park at Southern Town Park on a rather autumnal-feeling morning.  The session leader this time was Kevin, who suggested that we take a walk around the perimeter of the site before commencing work to see what needed doing.  This we duly did and areas where brambles needed cutting and where litter required picking were identified.

Our vehicles were then driven around to the Peep-o-Day lane side where we assembled our tools and set about the morning's tasks.  The bramble-bashers and litter-pickers among us selected our weapons of choice and work began.  Brambles and other vegetation around the path edges were removed and raked into piles for later collection while the usual high volume of litter in the vicinity was tackled.

It is fair to say that this site is not the most exciting on our programme, nor a favourite with most of our members but it does at least make our work quite visible to the general public, with many dog-walkers and passers-by stopping throughout the morning to chat and enquire about our activities.  It is also nice to work on a site with relatively easy access to Abingdon town centre.

Anyway, by the end of the session, it was certainly possible to see the efforts of our labours and we succeeded in making improvements to the local environment that will hopefully be appreciated by any visitors to the park.

taking a walk around the park before commencing work

bramble cuttings

tea break

consolidated pile of bramble cuttings

some of the results of the litter pick


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