Abbey Fishponds, 6th July 2013

Fourteen of us gathered at Abbey Fishponds on a hot sunny morning and with Marjorie's helpers we had quite a sizeable group. We had one new volunteer, who had actually tried to join Wallingford Green Gym but couldn't contact them so we were his second choice. We hope that he had such a good time that he will decide to stay.

One of the main tasks was to clear overhanging branches from the stream that runs through the Fishponds Nature Reserve. Those sensible enough to have brought wellies volunteered eagerly for this task as the prospect of spending a hot morning in a cool stream was very tempting. We split up into groups to tackle both ends and the middle in the hope of eventually meeting. Fortunately the stream is shallow and doesn't normally come above wellie height. Other tasks were trimming the hedge that runs along the north eastern side of the reserve and planting some wild flowers.

We met up again for our tea break, though it was difficult to tempt some people out of the stream. Barry and Enid had brought some delicious chocolates back from their trip to Dresden and of course we had to eat them very quickly before they melted.

After the break there were reeds, which had been cut with the strimmer, to rake up and stack while the other carried on with clearing the stream. All too soon it was time to pack up and head home after a very busy and productive session.

Dieuwke and James clearing the stream

Barry raking up reeds

Carolyn in the stream

the group packing up at the end of the session


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