Ock Valley Walk, Town End, 2nd March 2013

Saturday, 2nd of March, we worked on the Ock path at the town end.  The wood chip path needed renewing.  We relay the path once a year with fresh woodchip, which the town council provides.  This time we found a large heap at one end of the path, but on closer inspection it turned out to be recycled Christmas trees.  This does seem to be a good use of old Christmas trees.  It remains to be seen whether it lasts as well as the woodchip we normally use.  We had a good group of volunteers, and managed to complete about half the path, as well as clearing a lot of bramble encroaching on the path.

Part of the group did a comprehensive litter pick, and it was surprising how many bottles, cans, crisp packets etc. had accumulated since our last clean up. 

The bulbs we planted last autumn among the newly planted trees are not showing yet, but some snowdrops and crocuses around Chris’s memorial tree have come up. The new plantation of trees is doing very well, and a lot of them have now grown above the tree guards.

The morning was particularly cold, as the sun did not deign to come out until later that afternoon. 

shovelling woodchip
clearing vegetation

the path takes shape


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