Abbey Fishponds, 6th October 2012

As has been the case in recent weeks, a bright and surprisingly warm and sunny Saturday morning session followed a thoroughly wet and miserable Friday.  This resulted in good working conditions for our team of volunteers, if not a little soggy underfoot.

As usual at Abbey Fishponds, we worked under the direction of site warden, Marjorie White.  The main tasks were to re-lay the woodchip footpath through the nature reserve (which had been largely washed away due to heavy rainfall since our previous path-laying session here), to cut back some overgrown vegetation around the path margins, and litter-pick.  Members of separate Abbey Fishponds volunteer group were also involved in draining some of the wettest areas along the length of the path and reed cutting and raking.

A good turnout and hard work throughout the morning ensured that good progress was made on all tasks and we will likely be back to the Fishponds site in a couple of months to carry on the good work.

Volunteers on the mound

the litter situation

Andrew gets digging

path construction

a completed section of path

path drainage


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